Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a tax question that we haven't answered, please email the nonresident tax office. You can also refer to their FAQ document.

I didn't receive my W-2. How do I get a copy?

If you didn't receive your W-2 from Emory, email the payroll office at or call 404-727-6100.

How do I know if I should receive a 1042S?

If you have a tax treaty benefit and/or receive taxable scholarship, fellowship, stipend, or other non-work financial assistance from Emory last year, you should receive a 1042S electronically through the FNIS system.  If you have questions or have not received your form, email the nonresident tax office.  Put “Form 1042-S" in the subject line and make sure to include your Emory ID number.

Can I use Sprintax to prepare my Georgia Tax Forms?

Yes.  One benefit of using Sprintax over other software is the ability to prepare state tax returns in the software.  There is a fee that will be charged to you for preparation state returns but you no longer have to do the forms by hand.

How do I find the access code for Sprintax that is mentioned in the instructions?

Visit Emory's Sprintax website for step by step instructions for logging into Sprintax including the access code.  Included on the page are direct links to the Sprintax system.

I'm not at Emory anymore. I tried using my old Emory NetID, but I still can't access the Sprintax instruction page. How am I supposed to log in?

If you no longer have a valid Emory NetID and password because you graduated or completed your scholar program, you can still use Sprintax to meet your tax reporting requirements.  

Please email Put “Sprintax Alumni Code” in the subject line and include you Emory ID number.  You will be emailed a direct link and a special access code.