
Form I-94

The I-94 arrival/departure record is the official immigration document that confirms an individual’s current immigration status (i.e. proof of immigration registration). A new I-94 is issued when individual enters or re-enters the US with the information from their most recent entry.

The US government requires nonimmigrants over the age of 18 to carry a copy of their I-94 with them at all times while in the US. Even if someone is younger than 18, it would be prudent to carry an I-94 copy.

The I-94 is now an electronic document and is no longer issued in paper form (except in special circumstances). Individuals can download, save, and print a copy of their I-94 on the CBP website.

After each entry to the US, it is recommended to verify that all information is accurate. If there are errors, let us know without delay so we can help get them corrected if possible.

Sample I-94 electronic admissions record